Rebels hijack a plane with its pilot and passengers in Indonesia

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An Indonesian airliner belonging to New Zealand Airlines was hijacked, and five of its passengers were taken hostage in Indonesia's Western Province.

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hopkins said, "A civil servant who learned of the situation, and New Zealand's energy worker in Indonesia, is working on the issue."

Information about the issue of information in progress.

New Zealand's foreign ministry said it was providing consular support to the pilot's family, but declined to comment further, citing public sector concerns.

It was also reported that the military wing of the separatist Free Papua Movement (in Indonesia it is considered a terrorist organization), claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that it would not be released until the Indonesian government recognized the region's independence.

In 1969, Indonesia imposed control over the territory of western New Guinea, later dividing it into two parts, and West Papua.

In 2019, riots and protests broke out in the provinces of West Papua and West Papua, to demand a referendum on self-determination in secession.